(+94) 11 470-6-400

Plastic-Free Tours and Eco-Hydrate Concept of Connaissance De Ceylan

Figure: Mangrove Ecosystems of Sri Lanka

Leads the Way with Plastic-Free Tours!

Located in the captivating island country of Sri Lanka, Connaissance de Ceylan invites you to embark on a remarkable journey that combines the beauty of nature with sustainable practices. With a land area of 65,610 km2 and a picturesque coastline spanning 1,340 km, Sri Lanka boasts an extraordinary array of (micro)climates, topography, and soil variations, contributing to its remarkable biodiversity. However, the country's unique flora and fauna face significant challenges due to anthropogenic activities. Deforestation, encroachment, excessive pesticide use, and, notably, plastic pollution has taken a toll on Sri Lanka's precious biodiversity.

Reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable tourism

In response to this environmental crisis, we introduced our initiative, Eco-Hydrate: Sip Responsibly, Save Our Planet! At Connaissance de Ceylan, we are committed to reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable tourism. As part of this effort, we have replaced plastic water bottles with reusable aluminum alternatives.

  Figure: Green Forest Lizard photographed at Aliya Resort & Spa - Sigiriya
Figure: Green Forest Lizard photographed at Aliya Resort & Spa - Sigiriya


To protect the country's fragile ecosystems for future generations

By providing our guests with aluminum bottles, we aim to minimize the environmental impact associated with single-use plastics. Each sip from these reusable bottles signifies a responsible choice that contributes to the preservation of Sri Lanka's natural wonders. Together, we can protect the country's fragile ecosystems for future generations to enjoy.

Saves them the cost of water during travels.

Not only does Eco-Hydrate help safeguard the environment, but it also brings financial benefits to our guests. By eliminating the need to purchase bottled water, our initiative saves them the cost of water during their travels. It's a win-win situation: you can sip responsibly and keep your travel expenses in check.

Sustainable travel

At Connaissance de Ceylan, we believe that sustainable travel can create a positive impact on the world. Join us in our commitment to Sip Responsibly, Save Our Planet, and embark on an unforgettable journey through the enchanting landscapes of Sri Lanka. Together, let's make a difference while embracing the beauty and diversity of this incredible island nation.

“Quench Your Thirst, Leave No Trace”
Sri Lanka Tours